t.w.i.b #2

Originally uploaded by nathansean.
so this week in baseball was pretty fun.
tuesday the knicks played excellent again... it must be the coaching!! ryder was super pumped after the game because he got to slide twice. anytime a six year old gets dirty it is always a highlight to him.
wednesday the watermark team fell again. that makes six in a row in the losing column... but hey... we did start a new streak of two games playing all seven innings!! ye-ha!! on the personal side i blew a huge opportunity for our team... guys on first and second, no outs, and i popped out to the pitcher!!! the pitcher!!! and really that doesn't do it justice, i actually hit the ball two feet in front of me and the pitcher ran under it. i did hit it high though. :) i guess it was kind of exciting that the pitcher collided with the catcher... oh don't worry... everyone was ok. the catcher was wearing a mask... yes it was a full mask... and yes we do play slow pitch. i guess he had gotten kicked in the head a few years back during a play at the plate. so i'm guessing his wife makes him wear it. :)
thursdays knicks game was pretty fun once again. ryder played first base and had several put outs. he also played catcher which is fun to watch as his little legs attempt to run wearing gear that was made for a twelve year old.
the excitement of the game though took place on the bench... te story goes like this...
i am usually helping the kids at the plate while willis gets the kids in the right batting order. JUST as i am helping ryder at the plate, a few of the kids on the team start messing around. ya know... making dirt piles, throwing dirt, blowing bubbles... the stuff we all did as kids playing t-ball. well, one of the kids, dylan starts KIDDING around with wills. willis plays along.... until the kid starts mocking willis. first it is you smell funny, you have cooties, etc. etc. then dylan starts chanting "willis sleeps with a teddy bear" "willis sleeps with a teddy bear" " willis sleep with a teddy bear"... soon the entire team starts in!! finally they settle down and stop.... but only for a moment.... then dylan starts up with... "willis wets his bed" "willis wets his bed" "willis wets his bed" this time i can tell willis is geting a little uncomfortable, so i walk over and ask the guys to stop picking on willis or we'll have to stop the game. as i'm saying this to the team, all the parents are listening in thinking the entire chant is kinda cute. so there i stand... kids in front of me and the parents just behind them. willis is standing next to me in front of the bench facing the team.... fully exposed!! dylan takes the bat that he is holding and swings full force at willis's balls!!! willis drops to the ground quite quickly! BUT... as he falls he yells quite loudly and quite clearly... "you f***ing little b*****!!!"
oh did i get an ear full from the parents. i am now waiting for a call from the league... and most likely bud selig!
how about that!
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