Monday, August 29, 2005

lotto answers

why do i do what i do?

this question is haunting me.

i try to answer it. actually i answer it differntly every day. the answers bounce around my head like those white lottery balls right before they get sucked up that magical tube on channel three. i am just like those who tune in to this rivetting life-changing show. they sit with anticipation on the edge of their old hand-me down sofa, crisp lotto tickets in hand, eyes glued to the set, and most likely a bag of cheetos close by.

they wait for the right combination of numbers.
i wait for the right combination of answers.

wrong number combo.
wrong answer combo.

they'll buy another ticket.
i'll ask the question again.

why do i do what i do?

and yes... i do sit on a hand me down sofa, but i don't eat cheetos. (too many carbs)


At 10:58 PM, Blogger Deur said...

"This End Up" baby!


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