the secret secret

Originally uploaded by nathansean.
last week in the mail i received a great secret. actually it was a book, and the book is about a secret.
"the secret message of jesus" by brian d mclaren. it is an advanced release copy i got through his website i am just about finished with it. as with all of brian's books, it goes much beyond just scratching the surface. but... i'll share a deeper review next week sometime. i am in a major processing mode. good stuff.
Holy Cow! Brian MacLaren has a new book coming out! And you have an advance copy! Dang, that's awesome... talk about jealousy...I've only read Generous Orthodoxy and... wow. Anyways, this is the first time I've stumbled across your blog. Pretty sweet. I'd love to hear about this book. I hope all is well.
Casey Rycenga
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