Wednesday, March 15, 2006

.::The Secret Message of Jesus - PT1::.

I have decided to do a mini chapter by chapter review of McLaren’s new book. I don’t want to give a complete run down of each, because the book is one that needs to be read. And reread. And discussed. And prayed about. And reread again.

Like in many of his previous book, the chapters alone, although they are rich and thought provoking, are best understood in the context of the entire book. By this I mean that the chapter you just read, takes on a new dimensions of meaning the more you read. In many spots, McLaren points us to later chapters by saying “we’ll discuss that in chapter 10”. But I found myself looking at the previous chapters more than I did the ones to come. By the end of the book, I felt compelled to start back at the beginning and reread it. As I did, it was as if the words somehow become more flavorful and filling with each passing paragraph.

So I trust that at some point you will pick up and read this book for yourself. I am glad to share my thoughts, but remember they are MY thoughts. You will have your own…they may be the same and they may differ greatly. Either way, the thoughts of both me and everyone else are needed to paint a beautiful picture of who God is revealing himself to be.

For each chapter I’ll share a quick and brief synopsis of the chapter. Also, because i typically mark up a book with notes and underlines and double underlines etc., I thought it might fare as interesting to share those. To top the review off, we’ll finish up with what I refer to as a “bumper sticker” of the chapter. (That being a synopsis of the chapter in a statement that could be on a bumper sticker.) So…


Chapter two: The Political Message of Jesus
“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand…” Mark 1:15 ESV

In this chapter Brian paints a more detailed picture of the “political parties” that surround the people and times of Jesus; The Zealots, The Pharisees, The Herodians (Sadducees), and The Essenes. He draws many connections that Jesus’ message was not only a new message for the Jewish people, but was simultaneously in agreement and in direct opposition to the agendas being taught by all of the aforementioned groups. So, the political message that Jesus taught and embodied was fresh, affirming, and defiant. It was clear to many from the “get go” that this message was going to change everything.


“”You are all thinking incorrectly! He says. “You’ll need to rethink everything!” Don’t follow any of these paths. Follow my way instead!” p. 14

“…this man is not just anther revolutionary; he is calling for a new sort of revolutionary revolution.” p.16

“…find your identity… in the presence of God.” p 17

bumper sticker: rethink the rethink.

Chapter three: The Jewish Message of Jesus
“…he was looking for the kingdom of God.” Luke 23:51 ESV

We get a look at the role of the prophet to the Jewish people over history. We get a look at the type of messages they brought, they way in which they were delivered, and the way in which those messages were received. And once again, we clearly see that Jesus affirmed the messages and the mediums of the “old prophets” and garnered some of the same responses. But in true Jesus style, he both fulfilled and expanded that message as he played the role of prophet.

“Here’s the scandal: not just that Jesus spoke of the new kingdom,… but that he says the kingdom is at hand, available to be grasped knocking at the door – not just someday in the future , but here and now.” p. 24

“Jesus proclamation threatens the status quo…” p. 25

bumper sticker: the message has changed… kinda

Chapter four: The Revolutionary Message of Jesus
"Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!" Mark 11:10

I really enjoyed this chapter. Perhaps because it echoed one of my favorite McLaren books, The Story We Find Ourselves In. The revolutionary message that Brian relays in this chapter is that Jesus makes clear that He is the story! The story of the jewish narrative and the story of the coming future. Very cool chapter. If you haven’t read TSWFOI, go get it and read it. Beautiful!

“Central to the story were seven characters: God, Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Moses, and David.” p. 26 (in the note Brian also includes the possibility of Joshua among this list.)

“…he is identifying himself as the new Moses.” p. 30

“He is claiming to be a new David.” p. 30

“…Jesus returns back further still to Abraham.” p. 30

“…Jesus shows this primal kinship with all people – a kind of second Adam…” p.31

bumper sticker: our story comes together

Chapter five: The Hidden Message
“…you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed the to the little children.” Matthew 11:25

for me The Secret Message of Jesus begins to take “shape”, or to turn a corner in chapter five. With the backdrop being laid, it is easy to see that the message Jesus brings is going to be received in a few different ways depending on where you line up “politically”, “socially”, “Jewishly”, etc. Brian makes clear points that the “hidden” message that Jesus brought was not one that was hidden from those who had ears to hear and eyes to see, but was “hidden” from those who thought they knew the message of God. Jesus brought frustration to many by answering with story or question or redirecting their questions, and by doing so he exposed, in their response, more of the message.

“Nicodemus has only been with Jesus for a matter of seconds, and he’s already confused.” p. 38

“Jesus resists being clear or direct. Ther’s hardly ever a question that he simply answers; instead, his answer comes in the form of a question, or it turns into a story, or it is full of metaphors that invite more questions. What’s going on?” p.39

bumper sticker: your response…my message

so there is my "mini-review" of part one. i have tried to keep my opinions and thoughts out of my comments. but i don't know how long i'll be able to do that.

Friday, March 10, 2006

.::The Secret Message of Jesus - PRE::.

Originally uploaded by nathansean.
The Secret Message of Jesus by Brian D. McLaren

Before we explore some of Brian’s new book, it may be helpful if I frame the window in which I view the sky. (TSWFOI)

The room I sit in has many windows, with equally as many views. Many of my friends beckon me to view the sky from their window. From their window… they see the sky with a variant view. Many times their view is nothing short of beautiful and the beauty that they share adds beauty to my view. But on occasion, they will be persistent and insistent that their view is clearer and dare I say, correct, while my window is cloudy and in need of some Windex.

Nonetheless, we view of the same sky.

And while it is easy for me to feel uncomfortable with the condescension, I am by no way innocent from feelings of superiority that surround the window in which I view the sky. This tension is often affirmation that the sky we so passionately love, is often too beautiful, too large, and too close to fully understand. But when we share our views and understanding of the sky, and are affirming and encouraging, the sky inevitably becomes rich and copious. In those moments, we realize that the windowsills in which we sit will never be able to capture all the fullness and glory of the sky.

My widow has been formed and framed over the past 11 years. When I was twenty-two I began to follow Jesus. Some might say I got in late in the game, but for me the timing was perfect… as one would except when dealing with God. Since then, my journey with Jesus has been marked by a pace that has been comfortable and familiar as well as confronting and foreign. Much of my theological slant has been formed from a constant diet of conversations, reading, listening, observing, living and listening again.

Many who write or comment on the emergent/post-modern movement look out of one of two windows when it comes to this movement: (this is a broad generalization, so grace is appreciated). First, there is the “What are They Doing to the Gospel Window”. Around this window the conversation is often filled with the comment…well…“what are they doing to the Gospel?” Typically this is not a positive group. The talk here is cynical and skeptical and scared and defensive. Second, there is the “It’s About Time Someone Said That Window”. The conversation here is much more positive than the previous. They are excitable and passionate and have this sort of revolutionary spirit. Many are filled with restlessness with the status quo of the church, so when a new option is presented it is like… “it’s about time someone said that!!”

(Again…my generalization and your grace. There have been many in both camps that have brought needed and appreciated questions to the table as well as unnecessary and hurtful comments.)

While at times I find value in each viewpoint, I have always felt like I was looking from yet another window. This window is growing in viewers and the conversation is moving forward at a rapid pace. I call this window… “That Makes Sense… Now What”. This group is excited and growing and in many cases young, not necessarily in age, but in faith. More and more leaders within in the church are a part of the conversation that is taking place at this window. And as the emergent movement billows on, it will undoubtedly gain a crowd. I didn’t grow up in church. I have never been to Sunday school. The only potluck I ever was a part of growing up was at a high-school sports banquet. I wasn’t taught to be offended by Darwin. I didn’t grow up with the four spiritual laws. I don’t own a Keith Green album. I still have never seen a flannel graph. But I love Jesus and want to see His Kingdom come. So when I read some of this “emergent theology” or hear talk about the “post-modern shift”… I say…”that makes sense, now what”.

I share the commitment and the desire not to be taken astray that is found in the conversations around the “what are they doing” window. I also share the excitement and revolutionary spirit that is on the lips of those at the “it’s about time” window. But to me, when I look at this emergent theology, well, it all makes sense. It lines up with my understanding of scripture, it calls me to a deeper relationship with God, it is needed in the world, and it doesn’t compromise any part of the Gospel. If anything, it ups the ante. So let’s get on with it.

As I begin to share my thoughts on The Secret Message of Jesus, keep some of this stuff in mind. Or maybe you’ll find it better to throw it all out. I don’t know. But anyway you look at it or read it or listen to it or live it, the message that Jesus wants us to see and read and hear and live will never ever be seen, read, heard, or lived by looking out just one window.

This doesn’t mean that the windows are bad. It just means that we are standing still.

But I can understand, can’t you? God is mysterious and beautiful.

But He is not paralyzing.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

download in process

the secret meaasge of Jesus
Originally uploaded by nathansean.
on tuesady i'll begin to share some thoughts about brian mclaren's new book. today during the gathering at watermark wallace daniel read a paragraph from it... we are so stealth!!!

the secret is getting out... and it is about time.

the book will be out soon and then you can get into the secret... and maybe, as God's dream begins to unfold, the secret will get into you.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

bang bang you're dead!

bang bang poster
Originally uploaded by nathansean.
sunday cession is headed to see this production at jenison high school. it is so exciting to watch students live out the kingdom of God by using their URL.

join us if you'd like. we are leaving the HUB at 3:45 on sunday and eating a meal together before we head to the production. if you are not into the meal, the productin starts at 7pm.

it is well worth your time.

break a leg kenneth and corin!!